

This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about MediaKeg.

Import Command

What file types does MediaKeg support importing?

MediaKeg has a standard list of multimedia file types that it references when scanning for files to import. This list can be pruned or appended to on a per-library basis. The only requirement for importing a multimedia asset is that it contains metadata indicating the date and time it was captured or created. Virtually all photographs captured by digital cameras contain this information in the form of Exif metadata, and most digital videos and audio files also include this information. Refer to the MediaKeg Concepts Guide to learn more.

Does MediaKeg modify the file assets that it imports?

No, unless the user explicitly invokes the import option to write or update metadata properties. If the write option is invoked, then a copy of the original is copied to a backup location. Refer to the MediaKeg Concepts Guide to learn more.

Where do the imported assets go?

MediaKeg imports media assets into a library, which is a file system folder containing a small configuration file at its root. The configuration file contains the rules for how to organize and name imported assets, and the presence of a configuration file is the only thing that differentiates a MediaKeg library from an ordinary file system folder.

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